Windows PowerShell introduced parameter validation which drastically reduces lines of validation code – and replaces it with a couple of markup tags:
ValidateCount (int minLength, int maxlength)
How many arguments are allowed for a parameter.
ValidateLength (int minLength, int maxlength)
Length (in characters) of a parameter argument.
ValidatePattern (string regexString, Named Parameters)
Valid patterns for a parameter argument.
ValidateRange (object minRange, object maxRange)
Valid range for a parameter argument.
ValidateSet (string[] validValues, Named Parameters)
Possible values for a parameter argument.
ValidateScript (scriptblock validValues)
Custom script for validation
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType 'Container'})]
ValidateNotNull ()
Input is not null
ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ()
Input is neither null or empty
Read more about validating parameters on MSDN:
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